Tag Archives: Kovil

Trip to Matale

Hello Everyone!

So I left America approximately 3.5 months ago.  Obviously, I have A LOT of blogging to catch up on.

I can’t possibly do it all in a chronological fashion because my memory is not that great.  So, I decided to post blogs randomly of events/trips/occurrences from the past 3-4 months.

I’ll start with my trip to Matale (two days ago) with my roomate Ruth.  We usually try to travel on the weekends and see new places.  However, we were both tired from having traveled extensively just before this weekend (my travels through India and her travels around Sri Lanka), so we decided to do a short half day trip to some place nearby.  So, we chose Matale.  It’s only about 45 min by bus from Kandy.

Main Matale attractions: a Hindu Kovil (temple), the Aluvihara Buddhist temples carved into rocks, and handmade Bhatiks.  Matale is not much of a tourist place, but turned out to be surprisingly scenic and beautiful with the Knuckles Mountain Range in the background.  See pics below…

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